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Radio Buttons cost calculation

  1. Hi

    I need help on to how a handle a very simple form calculation.

    I have two radio buttons with options
    Full day Conference
    Two Day Conference
    One day Conference

    And also room options
    Sharing with Colleague
    Sharing with Spouse

    There are 9 different charges depending on the 2 radio button inputs, and they not set percentage or value difference... How can i use this to calculate the Invoice Total?

    Form can be seen at

    and also the charges at

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 11, 2013 | Permalink
  2. I think you will need to use conditional logic. The first three radio buttons (which conference) can be the same as they are now, but then you will create three groups of the last three buttons (for the room). Then use conditional logic to show one group of radio buttons for the room, based on the choice which was made for which conference. Each set of the radio buttons for the room will have different pricing, based on the number of days the conference is.

    Does that work for you?

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday February 14, 2013 | Permalink