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redirect url with custom content

  1. Paypal has one url that a person goes to after making a donation. My client has 2 very different kinds of "donations" and wants the "thank you" redirect page to have different content based on the form that is used. I am lost here. Seems there should be a way to provide that? Thanks in advance,

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday February 18, 2013 | Permalink
  2. The URL for the confirmation page can be the same, but you can use a conditional shortcode in your confirmation message based on the form value which was selected. Please see the documentation here

    That will work if you are using the text confirmation. If you are using the page redirect option, there is no built in way to select a different return URL based on a form selection. You could use two different forms for your donations, with a different confirmation page for each type of donation, or you could always use the same confirmation URL but then have the logic in a page template to check to see what value was submitted and show a different confirmation based on that.

    Gravitywiz has this conditional confirmation tip:

    But I'm not sure how it works with PayPal (I assume you are using PayPal standard where the visitor completes their transaction at PayPal vs. on your site.)

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday February 18, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Thanks for your input, but not sure it will work. The thing is, in paypal you must enter a url to go back to and PayPal only lets you enter one URL. I have two forms on different pages. My redirect page is a thank you page. I want to be able to have text show up on the thank you page, coming back from paypal. The text on the page needs to be unique based on the form that was used, each form being a paypal form but different in the kind of donation being accepted. One is a donation and on is a gift certificate.
    I want to be able to say, "thanks for buying a gift certificate", if that's the form that was used.

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday February 18, 2013 | Permalink