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Redirects based on input value

  1. I have a Course Testing website that has a page with a form that has one text field (Enter Course Code). Once the form is filled out by the user, I need this to redirect after submission to another page with the correct test to be taken. I don't want to use a drop down, check box or radio field, since this will give the user access to all of the tests. I've looked at the forums but I'm not seeing a clear answer on how to do this with a variable value.
    Thanks in advance.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday April 5, 2013 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    You could use our new 1.7 Beta 2, and use our Conditional Confirmations. Then you could set-up confirmation redirects based on what a user enters. So if they enter Course1 then they get redirected to Course1. Check out our blog for more information about our new beta. To do it with our current release, it would require PHP coding.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday April 5, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Coolio - I'll try it and post back to let you know how it goes.

    And I'm back and it works perfectly. Just in case anybody else looks at this, it wasn't totally obvious, but you just need to create multiple confirmations. Love it.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday April 5, 2013 | Permalink