Hi everyone,
I'm new and this is my very first topic, so please don't yell on me :)
I'm building a 3 steps form for selling a service that is customizable.
In my plans it sould be done like that
1 Step: configure the product
2 Step: Register OR Login
3 Step: checkout and payment
I've been able to achieve all, except the login part.
Reading the forum I've realized that login functionality is not (Yet?) implemented on GF
So I've looked for 3rd part login solutions and found this plugin for ajax login function:
- Login With Ajax http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/login-with-ajax/
With that you can show a login block that logs users without refreshing the page.
Then I've tried to make a condition in GF form to make users choose if they have an account or not (in the 2nd step I've mentioned before)
if the user DOES NOT have an account I show all fields that I've mapped with user registration addon, and it's working.
if the user DOES already have an account, I show an HTML GF block where I put the shortcode for ajax login block.
It looks like I'm not too far from solution, but ad this point I have 3 different problems:
1) the login block is not shown where it should, I mean: not in the HTML BLock i put in GF form, but BEFORE GF form, so it shows at the top of every form step (and not just in the 2nd)
(I will ask about this to the ajax login plugin author as well)
2) GF does not understand that a users is logged.
I mean: I've set the GF module NOT to USE AJAX, so that for each step the page is reloaded. In my ideas if in 2nd step I make users login with that ajax plugin, in the 3rd step they should be logged.
BUT is not like that: the entire wp site understands that user is logged (admin bar is showed, for example) but GF module not.
I control if a user is logged using this simple trick http://gravitywiz.com/2012/03/07/gravity-forms-conditional-logic-based-on-user-login/
3) Assuming that everything will be allright, how can I relate the form entry to the logged user that has entered it?
you can have a look at it at this address
http:// sviluppo.idearia.it/riparaiphone/ ?page_id=2
(i've broken the url because it's just a test site and I don't want to be linked or crawled)
If i'm totally wrong and this cannot be done, what would be the best practice for doing this?