Is there a way to remove duplicate entries automatically after forms are submitted?
Also, what could be the reason we are getting duplicate entries? Our forms can be found at
Is there a way to remove duplicate entries automatically after forms are submitted?
Also, what could be the reason we are getting duplicate entries? Our forms can be found at
you can trash entries from the Entries page in Gravity Forms. People might be pressing the submit button twice before the form submits. You might want to make one of the form fields have the no duplicates checked to stop such an issue.
Thanks for your help.
I think the no duplicates option would be a perfect solution. Only problem is that I would like to do it for the "player's name" field, and it doesn't allow me to select "no duplicates" for the name field.
I considered doing this for the email field, but considering parents may need to register multiple kids, the only ideal field for this would be the "player's name" field.
Is there a way to prevent duplicates for name fields?
No Duplicates option did not work for me. Did throw an error on the fronted but after a double click there was still two entries on the backed.
I solved the issue by tossing this jQuery function at the end of my footer.php
It simply says, when any form on the site is submitted, disable the submit button.
<script type="text/javascript">
$("form").submit(function() {
$(":submit").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
If you only want to disable one form using this method you can do it one of two ways. 1) Create a WordPress page template for your form page and include the JavaScript above or 2) you can disable a signal form global by including the forms HTML ID instead of the general form element like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#gform_2').submit(function() {
$(":submit").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
I have tried placing the code several places in the footer.php but the button doesn't get disabled? I'm using a child theme. Does that make any difference?
If no, where should the code go?