First off, it hasn't even been 24 hours since your original request was posted, so calm down and take a moment to review our policy for support forum response time here:
The User Registration Add-On currently ONLY creates new users. So it can't be used to create a form that updates an existing user. It can only be used in situations where you want the form to create a new user as part of the form submission process.
Typically users doing subscriptions use recurring payments, in which case you don't have manual renewals like you are describing as the renewal payment occurs automatically as part of the recurring payment profile.
If you want to implement manual renewals and need to store or update data in user meta when a form is submitted, you would have to do this as a customization. The same would apply if you are then using the PayPal Add-On to create an order form.
You would need to create a new form that you want to use for the existing user to fill out to renew their subscription. You would then use the PayPal Add-On to integrate that form with PayPal.
The customization you would implement would be done via custom code that is triggered when payment is received. This code would need to update whatever user data you need to have updated.
You would use the gform_paypal_fulfillment hook when implementing your custom code. This hook fires when a successful PayPal payment is received. You can find documentation for this hook here:
Your code customizations would go either in your themes functions.php file, or you could make your own custom plugin to house your custom code that you would then install and activate on your site.
The good news is we are updating the User Registration Add-On to support not only creating users, but updating users also. These feature enhancements, along with several others for the User Registration Add-On, are in ACTIVE development. They are being worked on as I type this. We plan on releasing a major update to the User Registration Add-On containing this functionality at the end of the month.
Posted 12 years ago on Thursday April 12, 2012 |