See my form at
Don't select anything and hit next. GF doesn't catch that
the user never selected anything! All drop down boxes
on this form act the same way. Tell me why please?
See my form at
Don't select anything and hit next. GF doesn't catch that
the user never selected anything! All drop down boxes
on this form act the same way. Tell me why please?
Technically, the "Select One" is an option. You'd want to use our gform field validation filter:
How do you get to the source code a particluar form to add the PHP code?
You'll be putting it in your theme's functions.php file:
Actually, you can try this out and see if it works as a work around:
I found this thread searching for "Field Validation". I am able to get the code to work in general but I want it to only validate if the field is not empty. The number 0 would be allowed but not an empty field. I'm not sure how I would write the if statement? I tried using is_int() to see if it was an integer but I think a non empty value is being read as the number zero. Is that right?
if($result["is_valid"] && intval($value) < 10)
Hi Gary,
Could you provide a little more information on your setup? I tested with a drop down field and setting it to required will prevent empty values from passing but will pass validation for "0". What field type are you using?
Sorry I guess I should've given more details. The field is a Single Product field.
There are three different sets of inputs A, B and C. When a user chooses A from a dropdown its lets them fill in the inputs for Product A. But we've noticed are not filling in the quantity inputs and submitting the form. So I would like it to validate only if the input is not empty.
Hi Gary,
Just sent you an email with an updated version of Gravity Forms which will allow you to submit 0 as a valid value for required single product fields.
Thank you for helping us with this problem. I installed the new version and now when I make those fields required it allows an empty field to be submitted.