I had these 2 forms on separate pages (step 1 and 2), is there any way to make form two appear when the next button is clicked on form 1?
I had these 2 forms on separate pages (step 1 and 2), is there any way to make form two appear when the next button is clicked on form 1?
The link you posted goes to a new site coming soon holding page so I can't see what your forms look like. What exactly are you trying to achieve, is it a multi-step form with say a number of questions in step one then customer details on step two or are they two completely separate forms.
Doh! sorry - Like on this site - http://webdoctor.org.uk/
OK I understand now, you want to create one form, add a page break field and set the progress indicator to steps, you can also give each step a more meaningful name.
Add all your fields to the form, those above the page break will appear on step one and those below will appear on step two. When you preview your form you will find a next button at the bottom of step one which when clicked will load step two where you will find the submitt button.
If you make any fields required and they don't get filled in then pressing the next button won't load step two until they fill in those fields.