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Routing based on Multiple Logic

  1. Alex

    I may be missing something obvious here, but I want to perform routing based on more than one conditional rule. So, I will give 4 examples (A and B come from one dropdown, X and Y come from a second)

    Example 1:
    Email based on choosing option A and option X

    Example 2:
    Email based on choosing option A and option Y

    Example 3:
    Email based on choosing option B and option X

    Example 4:
    Email based on chooseing option B and option X

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 20, 2010 | Permalink
  2. You aren't missing anything. Routing doesn't currently work on more than one conditional rule. It's a simple single value if statement. If option A = value Y then do this. It doesn't support multiple conditions at this time.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 20, 2010 | Permalink
  3. Alex

    ok. what would you suggest would be the best solution here? is this going to featured in the next release?

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday December 20, 2010 | Permalink
  4. I am in the same boat as Alex. I have a fairly simple Admin Notification that I'd like to route based on whether two important radio fields within my form are marked as "true" by the user. The idea is to only trigger the email if both conditions are met. Is this really not possible?

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday November 18, 2011 | Permalink
  5. @balschuler It's currently not possible. The Routing rules for that aren't complex, they don't support checking multiple field values for one rule. The way it works is any rules that are true, it sends an admin notification. So it's not currently a feature of the Routing to do this.

    That being said, it could certainly be done as a customization using available hooks/filters. Using hooks/filters you could write your own custom routing and return the Send To address using code.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday November 18, 2011 | Permalink
  6. digitsoft

    I need this too....any chance this will be added anytime soon? There have been several other threads and enough people wanting it....

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday June 12, 2012 | Permalink
  7. David Peralty

    We don't give information on our development cycles any longer as people held us to our guesstimates.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday June 12, 2012 | Permalink
  8. digitsoft

    I understand...can you at least confirm that it's coming in some future release?

    Thanks David...

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday June 12, 2012 | Permalink