I'd like to save image metadata (id, url, title, description) into a custom metadata fields after a form has been submitted and a post has been created.
I figured out that I have to use gform_after_submission
hook, so I can see the value per image with all the required data that looks like
http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/2-f3d72372c784de1b17f8507432c30d29/2013/03/image_file.jpg|:|FF S4 Image 1|:||:|FF S4 Image 1 Descr|:|117
Is there a GF function I should use to extract that data (in case there is one, so it will be compatible with any future changes).
OR do I have to do it myself something like:
list($url, $title, $caption, $description) = explode("|:|", $value);
Just wanted to make sure to use native way, to make sure it's more robust for future changes if any.
Many thanks, Dasha