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saving custom complex fields, RGFormsModel::prepare_value...

  1. G'day, I'm adding a custom complex field to my plugin (for recurring donations) and can't seem to work out how to save a concatenated value for the field. The custom field has multiple parts and I want to concatenate them and save as a formatted string.

    RGFormsModel::save_input() only saves fields with a value, sensibly, but how do I give it a value to save? I figured that RGFormsModel::prepare_value() would be the place to hook into for that, but there's no filter hook called from it.

    Can you please advise what I need to do here?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday September 19, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi, webaware,

    The easiest way to do what you want is to have a hidden field on your form and populate that with the values you want to save. You need to:

    1. Do NOT name the input tags in your custom field using the Gravity Forms naming convention of input_FIELD_ID since you do not want this data saved.
    2. Name your hidden field using the Gravity Forms naming convention of input_FIELD_ID. Naming your field this way will ensure that Gravity Forms will use that field's value when saving your custom field.
    3. Populate the hidden field using the "gform_pre_submission" hook (

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday September 19, 2012 | Permalink
  3. G'day Dana,

    So for my complex field, I should:

    * rename all my fields to use non-GF names
    * add a hidden field to my complex field that uses GF naming convention and pre-populate it on submission

    OK, I can do that. Will give it a shot. Of course, it would be easier if RGFormsModel::prepare_value() had a filter hook allowing plugins to add custom field types :)


    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday September 19, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Beauty, all working now, thanks.


    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday September 20, 2012 | Permalink
  5. Thanks for the update Ross.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday September 20, 2012 | Permalink

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