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Saving large amount of text

  1. bconley

    I am trying to post service agreement text and it is fairly large. I have tried the CSS in the section break but no luck. I am trying to add it now to the HTML block and it is stuck in the "saving form, please wait" status. I have tried to add small bits at a time and it is still not working. Are there possibly special characters that would prevent it from saving?

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday November 9, 2010 | Permalink
  2. If you're talking about the new "Ready Styles" for the section breaks, those are only for version 1.5 - You're currently running 1.4.4 so that's why they're not working.

    The HTML blocks allow freeform markup and there shouldn't be any problems with any characters. We haven't had any other reports of issues. It sounds like something else may be to blame.

    I looked at your form and see the text in a scrolling div. Were you able to get it saved successfully?

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday November 9, 2010 | Permalink
  3. bconley

    I was only able to get that much saved. I have quite a few more paragraphs. I was adding it one paragraph at a time and it choked on the second one.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday November 9, 2010 | Permalink
  4. Can you send me an XML export of your form and then a text file with the content so I can test it here? Please send it to and I'll give it a look.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday November 9, 2010 | Permalink
  5. Kevin, I need to include a Terms of Service with an acceptance check box like the form that is the subject of this thread. Can you explain or point me to where setting something like that up is explained? The original poster must have figured it out b/c your question went unanswered. Thanks! Jim

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 30, 2011 | Permalink
  6. I see I need to add the readyclass gf_scroll_text to a section break. But for some reason, when I add the readyclass to the section break, it does not save it. After closing and reopening the section break element, the readyclass field is empty.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 30, 2011 | Permalink
  7. @breezin Try clearing your browser cache and then try again. If that doesn't work, try using a separate browser. Let me know if either work and we can go from there to try and determine what is going on. It should save the value.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 30, 2011 | Permalink
  8. Thanks for your reply. The html element works with a modified div to scroll, but the gf_scroll_text still does not work on the section break. For some reason, the section break element will not save the readyclass on WooThemes/Canvas. Maybe I'll figure that out sometime, but for now it's doing what needs to be done. I see some issues with WooThemes with GF/CSS on their support forum.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 30, 2011 | Permalink
  9. The only issues i'm aware of that we run into with WooThemes is related to the Field Label placement. Their CSS is hardcoding the Field Label placement to be left aligned and won't allow you to Top Align them. That particular issue is an easy CSS fix and it's one they will be resolving in all their themes very soon.

    As for other GF/Woo issues i'm not aware of them. So if you can narrow it down to a specific issue with Canvas we can get in touch with WooThemes and work it out so that it can get corrected.

    If you activate the default WordPress theme are you able to set the custom class?

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday November 30, 2011 | Permalink