Individual Notifications also support conditional logic so you can configure "WHEN" and if the notification is sent.
How do we do this? I'm talking about the NEW BETA update of Gravity forms.
Thank you!
Individual Notifications also support conditional logic so you can configure "WHEN" and if the notification is sent.
How do we do this? I'm talking about the NEW BETA update of Gravity forms.
Thank you!
So am I able to?
Send the notification email say - 24 hours later?
Please let me know!
Thank you
This is currently not a feature we have in Gravity Forms.
Thank you for the response.
In the page describing the new update of Gravity Forms - it indeed states "when".
Individual Notifications also support conditional logic so you can configure "WHEN" and if the notification is sent.
Thank you,
Sorry for the confusion, but that's not referring to a time. It's basically saying you can use conditional logic to configure notifications to be sent out based on selections of fields on your form. Notifications, if applicable upon form submit, are always passed immediately to wp_mail() to be sent by your host.