I thought it best create a new thread for this topic.
In an effort to globally make my Section Break - Field Name font size larger within Thesis -- I followed the instructions in the fourth post in this thread:
...and added the following snippet to my Thesis custom.css:
.gform_wrapper .gsection .gfield_label, .gform_wrapper h2.gsection_title, .gform_wrapper h3.gform_title {
Then I edited it so that it was entirely on one line:
.gform_wrapper .gsection .gfield_label, .gform_wrapper h2.gsection_title, .gform_wrapper h3.gform_title {font-family:Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:30px; font-weight:bold;}
Then, I tried to increase the Section Break - Field Name font size with this snippet:
li.mylabelstyle .gsection_title {color:#f80; font-size:30px}
Unfortunately, none of these approaches seem to be working.
Can you please help me to understand what I am doing wrong?
Thanks very much.