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Send confirmation email to client after entries have been reviewed and approved

  1. Hi.

    I have client that wants a buffet booking system on his website.
    When a customer has booked a certain buffet via the website the owner of the site wants to go through the entries and confirm them before a receipt is sent out to the customer.

    Therefore, what I am after is some sort of function inside the admin area for an entry, where after reviewing the booking, the administrator can click on a button and send out a confirmation email to the customer.

    I assume this is not a built-in feature in GF, but would it be possible to do this using the API, so I would't have to hack the core?
    Any ideas or help on this matter will be much appreciated. :-)

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday May 2, 2011 | Permalink
  2. It's not a built in feature as you guessed, but there are plenty of API hooks that would allow you to add this type of functionality. All of the hooks/filters are documented in the Developer Documentation area of the Documentation here:

    Hooks for adding elements to the Entry Detail page are going to be under the Administration hooks.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday May 2, 2011 | Permalink
  3. That sounds great, thanks Carl! :-)

    I see that the "gform_entry_info" hook will be an appropriate one to look at for starters.


    Posted 13 years ago on Monday May 2, 2011 | Permalink
  4. I have now coded a way to send a confirmation email from the admin entry page. I will share it here in case others might need this function. :-)

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Gravity form - add a send confirmation email to entry admin panel.
    add_action("gform_entry_info", "confirmation_button", 10, 2);
    function confirmation_button($form_id, $lead) {
    		require_once(GFCommon::get_base_path() . "/entry_detail.php");
    		require_once(GFCommon::get_base_path() . "/forms_model.php");
    		require_once(GFCommon::get_base_path() . "/common.php");
    	if( class_exists("RGFormsModel") && class_exists("GFCommon") ) { ?>
    		<h4>Send email</h4>
    		<p>Send a confirmation email to the user</p>
    		<input type="submit" name="send_admin_notification" value="<?php _e("Send to user", "gravityforms") ?>" class="button" style="width:100px;" onclick="jQuery('#action').val('send_user_notification');"/>
    		if( isset($_POST['action']) && trim($_POST['action']) === 'send_user_notification' ) {
    			// Initiate the form
    			$form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id);
    			// The AutoResponder is not activated in the admin, so activate it here by giving it the ID number of the email field.
    			$form["autoResponder"]['toField'] = 31;
    			// Send an email to the user
    			GFCommon::send_user_notification($form, $lead);
    			// Send email to the admin
    			//GFCommon::send_admin_notification($form, $lead);
    			echo '<p>The email has been sendt.</p>';

    If there is a better way to do this I am certainly open for suggestions.


    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday May 26, 2011 | Permalink

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