I have been able to find a few posts on this topic, but I am not a technical person and by the time I read through all the threads, I was totally and utterly confused. I still can't see, anywhere, a clear step-by-step guide as to how this should be done.
The best I've found is this:
1. Create an email field and name as required, e.g. Hidden Email
2. Under the 'Advanced' tab mark as visibility 'admin-only'
3. Set the default value under the 'Advanced' tab to {custom_field:wdf-email}
4. Go to 'Notifications' at the top of the page
5. Select the 'Email' radio button under 'Send To Email'
6. Insert a merge tag for the Hidden Email field, in my case {Hidden Email:5}
7. Set the 'From Email' and 'Reply To' as required
I'm assuming that in item 3, I select "insert merge tag: and in item 6, the 5 in {Hidden Email:5} means that field's ID.
I've done that and it all looks fine. However when I send a test email, it doesn't work. I get a confirmation message as if it's sent OK, but it doesn't go anywhere, either to the custom field email or to the email address I put in the BCC field. I don't get any error messages.
When I look at Entries, it's there. In the Notifications and Notes boxes, it allows me to resend a notification to Admin but not to anyone else.