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send to email drop down box

  1. So I have looked for an answer in the forums but could not find anything - could be me- newbie to GF
    I have made a simple contact us form where the user can select who an email should be sent from
    example: catering manager, chef, owner, etc

    I tried doing a test to make sure that people selected on the form would get the email, but none did.

    I know the email addresses are all good and work.

    I am thinking this might be a notification or routing thing thing that I have not set up correctly
    if I select Notifications>Routing and add the persons name
    ex: Send to if Contact recipient is sarah at ( this is the " Value" )

    When I do this and try to send a test I get an error message that says
    Please select who you would like to send your e-mail to from the drop down menu shown above. This email form sends email to recipients at xxx-xxx- xxx
    This field requires an unique entry and '' has already been used

    am I correct in thinking that the form content ( message) that is entered should route to the contact recipients email box? Am i missing something here?

    * if I set myself to receive the notification ( to one of my email addresses) then I receive the content information that I have placed into the form- so it looks to me like this might be a routing issue. the client just wants the form content to route to the recipients email without them having to log into the website to read an email

    I am using the latest version of GF and wordpress, the site url is would appreciate any help or insite on how to solve this issue as as possible- client breathing down my neck.


    Scott V

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday September 27, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hello Scott, you've posted your question in the Pre-Sale Questions forum rather than the support forum. Since you are a Developer License owner you have access to the Priority Support form which you can use, as I also need additional information from you anyway.

    Please go here:

    Fill out and submit the form with a detailed description of your issue *AND* include a WordPress admin login for the site having the problem.

    Provide me with detailed instructions on how I can replicate the issue so I can see and understand what you are talking about and I can take a look at how you have things setup.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday September 27, 2011 | Permalink

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