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Sending PayPal payments receipts with PayPal Pro addon

  1. stueynet

    I am using the PayPal Pro plugin which works very nicely. However it does not allow me to send payment receipts to my customers. I realize that Paypal Pro doesn't send out receipts but rather sends me an IPN post. However Gravity Forms has me set the IPN URL to /?page=gf_paypal_ipn. If that is my IPN URL then I have no way of setting up my own custom receipt sender. Sending receipts is easy with a script that I wrote but I would need to change the IPN return URL to point to my custom script.

    Has anyone come up with a solution for sending customer receipts using Gravity Forms Paypal Pro?

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday November 2, 2012 | Permalink
  2. You can hook your code to the gform_paypal_post_ipn hook:

    If you already have the script, this is probably the easiest way to execute it.

    Posted 11 years ago on Sunday November 4, 2012 | Permalink