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Sending values to a custom PHP confirmation page

  1. jonathantolhurst

    I want to use one fo your forms to create a blood alcohol calculator.
    To do this I am submitting the form to a custom PHP confirmation page and pass the field values.
    I enabled values on the form fields (drop downs) and I wanted to pass the values rather than the label.
    I can't work out how to make it do this.
    Field Label= A shot (25ml)
    Field Value= 25

    Currently this is being passed as: ?container=A%20shot%20(25ml)
    where as I want it to be the value: ?container=25

    Any ideas??

    Thank You :-)

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday July 13, 2011 | Permalink
  2. You need to pass the value instead of the label. This is a quick change to the merge tag you are using to pass the field information.

    I don't now your field names or id's so I can't give you an exact example but basically you just need to append :value to the merge tag where you pass the field information in the query string redirect.

    So instead of something like this:
    {My Field Name:5}

    You would use this:
    {My Field Name:5:value}

    That will pass the value of the field rather than the label, which is the user friendly information that is typically needed. But when you need the value you just add the :value to the end of the merge tag and that should do the trick.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday July 13, 2011 | Permalink

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