I have followed the forum topic, and used the following code:
function dgs_set_post_type($post_data, $form) {
if ( $form[ 'id' ] == '1' ) {
$post_data[ 'post_type' ] = 'cpt_hr_posts';
$post_data[ 'tax_hr_posts_category' ] = 'our-space';
$group = 'our-space';
return $post_data;
add_filter('gform_post_data', 'dgs_set_post_type', 10, 2);
I used the advanced tab on the group, and gave the parameter field the value of "group". The default value from the custom taxonomy will be "our-space". In case you need it the taxonomy name is "tax_hr_posts_category". In additon to putting the value in the hooks, I tried the get values of http://intranet.omrf.hsc.net.ou.edu/our-space/?group=our-space where "our-space" is a page with the shortcode added.