Ok let me try and explain what I'm trying to do.
I want to create a form that people will fill out with contact information (duh). The part I cannot figure out is this:
The person pick specific indications they are interested in like Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, etc.. but this possible list can be quite LARGE. So we break it down by a categories like Heart Disease, Diabetes. I want them to choose Diabetes then it show all the sub options for Diabetes. They also might want to choose two indications from different main categories like Type II in Diabetes and Hypertension in Heart Disease. It would be nice if they could choose one main cat and it display the sub-options then choose another main cat and have another list appear (replacing the first).
Did I mention I also want it to update to different list depending on their choices to my constant contact database. :)
Hope all this made sense (and is doable). ... Thanks in advance.