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Show / hide select box based on data from previous form

  1. Hi.

    I need to display input fields in a second form based on data from the first form.
    I would like to display a select dropdown on form two only if $_POST["desert"] is not empty. Otherwise I don't want to display this dropdown.

    Is this possible?

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday May 26, 2011 | Permalink
  2. When you say first form and second form, do you mean a Multi-Page form using Page Breaks or do you mean 2 completely separate Forms?

    If you mean Multi-Page form then you can simply use Conditional Logic to show/hide fields based on selections.

    If you mean completely separate Forms, there isn't currently a built in way to do this. conditional logic doesn't work across unique forms.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday May 26, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Hi Carl.

    Yes, I mean two separate forms on different pages.
    On one page the user can check out a buffet and hit a button (first form) that takes you to the order buffet page (second form). Some buffets have a few desserts to choose from and some don't have any at all. Therefore I would want to hide the desert select dropdown in the form for the buffets that don't have any deserts.

    But I guess this this is not possible, so I'll have to find another way. :-)

    Thanks anyway Carl.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday May 26, 2011 | Permalink