Hello, I was very happy with your product and it's bee working fine for weeks, but in the last few days my admin had become extremely slow to respond and load, listed none of my pages or files linked to other plugins, and nothing i did on it seemed to effect the front-end (which was working fine still).
Then a customer said how the order form (made from your software) screwed up after pressing submit, he got a blank page. It turns out we did get his order e-mailed through to us, but the form had still failed.
Then I reset all the plugins remotely and admin was back to its usual fast and responsiveness self and all my pages were listed again. After activating my plugins one by one, i found gravity forms was the one causing the issue.
I now have them all activated except gravity forms and it's working just fine.
Can you please help me with this situation? I need my order form and had spent a whole day on it. Not to mention the cost of this plugin too.
Thanks for your time.