Hello, I have the same problem, the form builder generated this:
<div class='gf_browser_gecko gform_wrapper' id='gform_wrapper_7' style='display:none'><a id='gf_7' name='gf_7' class='gform_anchor' ></a><form method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' target='gform_ajax_frame_7' id='gform_7' action='/2011/12/sensation-club-la-landrigga/#gf_7'>
<div class='gform_heading'>
and this code creates the empty space above the title, <a id='gf_7' name='gf_7' class='gform_anchor' ></a>
, it has nothing to do with wordpress plugins or with wordpress itself , you can take a look at it here:
http://4ella.com/2011/12/sensation-club-la-landrigga/ ,
Right now only idea I have is to try to create new class div.gform_anchor in css and remove it by displaying none or something like that
Posted 11 years ago on Monday June 3, 2013 |