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Sort Multiple Calculation based on total Value sort

  1. I have multiple calculations on one form, category values...


    Red= 10
    Blue= 16
    Yellow = 5

    is there a way with gravity forms to have the result sorted by value.

    As above it would display as

    Blue= 16
    Red= 10
    Yellow= 5

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday November 26, 2012 | Permalink
  2. David Peralty

    As far as I know, we don't have any sort functions anywhere in Gravity Forms currently.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday November 26, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Would this be somethings that is doable by creating a temple using something like this

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday November 26, 2012 | Permalink
  4. David Peralty

    Can you walk me through exactly what and where you are trying to do things? Yes, you can sort things using PHP, but I won't be able to tell you how easy or difficult it would be until I completely understand exactly what you want to have happen.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday November 26, 2012 | Permalink
  5. Lets say I have questions coded red, blue, yellow

    3 questions for each code

    each having likert values 1 - 5.

    User 1 completes form...

    their results are

    Red 10

    Blue 15

    Yellow 9

    User 2 completes form

    their Results are

    Red 5

    Blue 9

    Yellow 15

    User 1 results in value order


    User 2 results in value order


    Each colours total relates to a completed text field

    What ever the order colour would the text field would be passed through to the next page.

    so user 2 would see a screen like this

    This is the order of your preference based on the results
    {HIDDEN YELLOW TOTAL} You like bananas lots with everything
    {HIDDEN RED TOTAL} You like drinking the blood of Virgins
    {HIDDEN BLUE TOTAL} You like eating smurf sandwiches

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday December 2, 2012 | Permalink