Due to the lack of support of a static text field, I used a section break to display my note in the description field. When I saved the form, I started getting this error:
Warning: sprintf() [FUNCTION.SPRINTF]: Too few arguments in [...]wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/form_display.php on line 603
After poking around a bit I realized that the description had a "%" in it which was breaking the sprintf() function. Rather than put a double % in my text (since it was for a client) I modified gravityforms/form_display.php line 603 to be:
$field_content = sprintf("%s<h2 class='gsection_title'>%s</h2>".str_replace("%","%%",$description), $admin_buttons, esc_html($field_label));
So it will automatically escape a % in the description now.
I hope this post serves as a bug report as well as a request for a) static text fields and b) an official fix for escaping descriptions.