This is a browser issue related to how FireFox handles form field input from a security standpoint. This isn't a Gravity Forms issue.
We have no control over the back and forward functionality of the browser or how the browser handles cached versions of the information.
What you want to do is certainly possible, but it sounds like you aren't going about it the right way. Relying on the browser to handle this for you isn't the correct way to go about this because every browser is different, and this functionality may work on Safari, Chrome and Opera for you... but may not for other users based on their browser settings.
What you would want to do to accomplish what you are trying to do is implement your own customization to store the field values as cookies and then another customization to read the cookie values and dynamically populate the form fields.
You could then configure Gravity Forms so that in the form confirmation you insert the shortcode for the exact same form. When the form is submitted, it would show the same form again. If you implement the cookie and dynamic population customization I mentioned above, it would then dynamically populate the fields with the values they entered previously. They could then make changes, submit it again and the customization would then update the cookies values again and the cycle would start over again.
Gravity Forms is far from a glorified "contact form" plugin. It's an extremely powerful tool that can be customized to do just about anything you want using the large library of hooks and filters. It is never going to have EVERY feature that EVERY user wants out of the box, that is unrealistic. Just because it doesn't do something you want it to do A) doesn't mean it's "broken" or "limited" or a "glorified contact form" and B) doesn't mean it can be customized to do what you want it to do.
Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 20, 2012 |