That StudioPress page uses conditional logic. I tried the documentation page here and didn't see it. New documentation is coming with the 1.5 version (soon.)
In any case, you already have your drop down (select box) Contact Reason, which is good. Now you need to add the fields after it to be shown when the Contact Reason is "equal to" one of your choices.
Try this: add a field right after the Contact Reason field, let's call it URL. Once you've added the field, click the "Advanced" tab and you will see a radio button "Enable Conditional Logic". Now that you've done that, you will see some additional options. Try selecting "Show" this field if "Any" of the following match.
Now, you will have some pre-filled options. In your case I think the question will be "Contact Reason" on the left, leave it selected "is" in the middle, and then choose "Website" on the right. Now, save your form and give it a test spin. Try selecting different values in your drop down and see if the form changes at all.
What you did was added a field called "URL" to your form, and made it conditionally appear when "Contact Reason is Website", in plain English.
Once you get that basic functionality down, you will see exactly how to pull off what StudioPress did with their contact form. You'll also see how powerful the conditional logic function is in Gravity Forms.
Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday February 8, 2011 |