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Strange log file and wrong uploads attached to entries

  1. We have a problem with file uploads that get attached wrong to entries from time to time. By looking at the gravity forms log file, something in the time frame of saving entries seems particularly strange to us. Have a look:

    2013-05-13 13:00:33 - DEBUG --> upload_files() - temp file info: Array
    [uploaded_filename] => image.jpg
    [temp_filename] => 2_input_12.jpg
    2013-05-13 13:00:33 - DEBUG --> upload_files() - skipping field: Name(2 - name)
    2013-05-13 13:00:33 - DEBUG --> upload_files() - skipping field: E-Mail(3 - email)
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving entry.
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Entry record created in the database. ID: 11319
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving entry fields.
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field Anrede
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field Organisation
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field Name
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field Vorname
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field Straße
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field Hausnummer
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field Ort
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field PLZ
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Saving field E-Mail
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Array
    2013-05-13 13:03:58 - DEBUG --> Result from wp_mail(): 1
    2013-05-13 13:04:23 - DEBUG --> Saving entry.

    Especially the timestamps are somehow strange (Or maybe the logging isn't perfect in the way it logs?) . "Saving Entry" seems to have a delay. In fact, this log represents the creation of 2 entries for 2 different form ids. The first one is created at 13:00:33 and has an upload field attached, the second one is created around 13:03:58 and handles text field only.

    Any idea?

    Posted 10 years ago on Monday May 13, 2013 | Permalink
  2. scangroup

    I seem to be experiencing this, or a similar problem as well. We have a photo contest form, where the user can upload their photo entry. For the most part, everything seems to be working OK, but every once in a while we get 2 completely different entries, with different filenames, but the image is the same for both. It is extremely unlikely that our users would be sharing images, especially given the distance between them at times.

    For example, the entries below came in about 3 minutes apart according to the timestamp. Name, address, etc are all different for each entry. Link to their uploaded files are different, but the image is exactly the same:

    We noticed this behavior earlier, and I think I was able to reproduce the error once by clicking the submit button a second time before the first entry was completely uploaded. Because of this, I added code to disable the submit button after they click on it. This solved some of the other issues that appeared when the submit button was double-clicked, but we are still getting mixed file uploads on occasion.

    I have around 900 entries currently, and the entry form is open until Friday 5/17. There are too many entries to easily verify manually, so if we can find a pattern, or some way for me to verify/correct the data reliably, it would prevent me from having to have the customer tell all their users to log back in and check that they have the right image associated with their entry.

    Posted 10 years ago on Tuesday May 14, 2013 | Permalink