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Styling Gravity Forms

  1. dazfree


    I wanted to style my Gravity Forms to increase the number of users completing the forms. I hired a graphic designer who produced PSDS of how I wanted the form to look.

    I then hired a freelancer to do the work, I have not given them access to my site and asked him to send me the files when completed and I would upload with instructions. Today I received the work, the first file to upload was style.css to the theme of my Wordpress site. I thought it quite unusual that he changing the style.css of the actual theme and therefore before uploading took a backup of the present file. Luckily I did as when I uploaded it and tested it, it sent a lot of the theme styling up in the air...

    Should the freelance be editing the style.css of my theme to style Gravity Forms, I thought the style of the G Forms could be achieved by just changing the forms.css in the Gravity Forms directory.

    I'm confused and a bit worried now that I have hired a poor developer and he is not doing it properly?!?

    If anyone can tell me the correct way to do this that would be a big help!



    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday January 5, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Darrell, styling of Gravity Forms should be done at theme level. You would never want to edit the forms.css file because when you do plugin updates your changes will get overwritten. Any GF styles should just simply be appended to your theme's stylesheet. This should be a very straight forward task for someone with HTML/CSS/Web Design background and knowledge.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday January 5, 2012 | Permalink