I'm sure it's very simple and a I passed over it somewhere, but where can I change the color of the Submit button, I looked in the css and still can't find it. Please help. Thanks.
I'm sure it's very simple and a I passed over it somewhere, but where can I change the color of the Submit button, I looked in the css and still can't find it. Please help. Thanks.
You would target the button that has a class of .button within the .gform_footer div by adding CSS to your themes stylesheet that targets these elements. For example, you would add CSS similar to the snippet below to your themes stylesheet:
.gform_footer .button {background-color: #XXXXXX; color: #XXXXXX;}
Of course changing out the hex values for whatever you want.
I tried to put that code in my themes css and it didn't work is there something else I need to do. Sorry, I'm just not completely comfortable with code yet.
There shouldn't be anything else you need to do. If you can post a link to your form I can look at it and see how you added the CSS to see why it isn't working.
Your theme already has Gravity Forms styles added to it. So when you try to override the Gravity Forms styles in your Theme's Style.css file it is getting overridden by other styles your theme calls from here:
That is where you would need to make your style changes. Edit that file and find the .button class and you'll see it is being set in that CSS file which is called AFTER the Style.css and therefore is overriding it.
So make your changes in the file referenced above.
Thanks alot, that worked!