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Submit button on multi-page form; preview of images before submission

  1. Hello -

    I am just getting started with Gravity Forms. I am setting up a submission form for clients to upload multiple pictures along with captions that we will use to create short promo videos. The multi-page forms with conditional logic are GREAT! We have a page for each slide, with a choice of text only, text and image, or image only.


    1) We have the form set up with space for 20 slides, so the form has 21 pages (one is used for contact info and style preferences). Many people will not have 20 slides, so we want to be able to offer a Submit button at the bottom of each slide - so if they are ready to submit after slide / page 5, they can do so. Is there a way to put a submit button at the bottom of each page? Or alternately, to jump to the last form page for final confirmation and possible preview before submission?

    2) I'd like to offer them a preview of their submission. I looked at the documentation recently added for creating HTML previews, and it looks like it might work OK. However, I'm concerned about how this will work with a multi-page form with lots of conditional fields (i.e. will it show all the fields that haven't been filled out, or just the ones that have data; and how does it sort everything - does it place the fields from each form page in an orderly group).

    3) Is there a way to add a navigation bar or popup menu so someone can go back to a particular page to edit the contents, without having to go through Previous or Next links multiple times?

    4) Is there a way to have the preview show the actual images, rather than just the URL links? I could see from the demo that one could click on the URL link and see the image, but this is tedious for my scenario, when someone will (ideally) want to be able to see all the images in conjunction with the text captions and in relation to each other.

    5) To make this REALLY slick, it would be great if the preview before submission function would allow these pages to be re-ordered (drag and drop, Ajax style) so that users can move their slides around. This is probably way beyond what is possible now with Gravity Forms, but I would like to mention it in case it's something that could be added at some point.

    Thanks very much for your help!
    Eric Bobrow

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday September 21, 2012 | Permalink