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submit from only after payment to paypal

  1. pshot

    I just want to clarify if I have this right in my head.
    paypal standard addon,using paypal standard account
    after completing a form and clicking the submit button .. the user filling out the form,is then taken to paypal to complete the sale.....if they cancel the sale ( backout,close the browser window, what have you........the form is still submitted and can be found in the entries of the form.
    is my thinking correct here?

    If so can we stop the entries being submiitted ?
    Why would anyone want a form connected to paypal ,that adds the uncompleted entry to their database?

    I have used the search function here ,and this is pretty much what I have found through reading
    also after filling in my own form ,and then backing out of the payment from paypal....Ilook in the data base ...and low and behold...theres the form entry....with "payment status " ..."processing "

    while we are at "payment status " in the gravity form there a reason that this cannot be dragged and dropped into an "active column " for viewing from the "entries " page?

    If there is a way to use paypal standard ,and have the gravity form "not submit" unless payment received..............could someone point me in the right direction please

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday November 25, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Your thinking is correct. The entry is submitted but the status will be processing or something other than "Approved". You will have to verify payment status before you act on that entry. I can't think of a way to update the payment status of the entry if the entry is not there in the first place.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday November 26, 2012 | Permalink
  3. pshot

    Thanks for the reply,
    I kind of figured this,and in my mind remeber reading this....stupid me let the paypal rep talk me into standard paypal...when I knew that it was pro that I needed...hopefully its a painless switch up to pro.

    in my initial question................this after hitting "edit" on the entries screen....trying to drag specific columns to the main screen .....stopped trying after "payment status" wouldnt drag and drop.

    while we are at "payment status " in the gravity form there a reason that this cannot be dragged and dropped into an "active column " for viewing from the "entries " page?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday November 26, 2012 | Permalink
  4. You can include payment status as an active column in the entries screen. I'm not sure why you cannot. Normally when drag and drop does not work in that screen, it's due to a plugin or theme conflict, a jQuery or JavaScript error. You can test for those by following these instructions

    One quirk of the drag and drop: if you need to drag something from the bottom of the right side, you can't always drag it over to the left directly. Sometimes you need to drag it up, on the right side, then drop, then drag it to the left from there. Something about dragging up from the bottom and over at the same time does not work. Try dragging up and dropping, all on the right side, then grab it and drag it to the left.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday November 27, 2012 | Permalink
  5. pshot

    That was the problem.......drag to top on inactive column, then drag to active column works........

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday November 27, 2012 | Permalink
  6. Glad that worked for you.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday November 27, 2012 | Permalink

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