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Submitting Multiple Posts with one submit button

  1. Hello,
    I am trying to figure out how I would use Wordpress as a time sheet database for our employees. I have worked out most of the specifics and I think Gravity Forms would be the way to go for the user entries, but my first big stumbling block is how can I submit multiple posts on one page. Basically, I would lay out the fields like a standard time sheet but I want each 'day', each hour entry, to be a separate post.

    Would it be possible to do something like hide all of the submit buttons and have one master submit button that would make all of them press?

    Any ideas on this subject are welcom,

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday January 28, 2011 | Permalink
  2. flikQ

    Did you ever figure this out? I too am looking to do something similar.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 9, 2011 | Permalink
  3. no i didn't. it can't be too hard though, probably something that gravity forms wouldn't cover. I'd say take it to google.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 9, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Currently Gravity Forms only creates one post. It would be possible to create multiple, but it would require you to write your own customization to process and create the posts from the fields you want to use using the gform_post_submission hook.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 9, 2011 | Permalink