I am looking for creative ways for allowing a user to fill out a form and to subscribe to our RSS feed. The user will have the option to select a check box to subscribe to the feed. After the form is submitted, they should then be subscribed.
I am looking for creative ways for allowing a user to fill out a form and to subscribe to our RSS feed. The user will have the option to select a check box to subscribe to the feed. After the form is submitted, they should then be subscribed.
If I could find a way to create a form for users to sign up to and have their email sent to FeedBurner, that too would work. Not sure how to do this though.
Did you ever figure out how to do this?? I am looking for a way to be able to do this as well!
We don't have a Feedburner add-on for Gravity Forms, but I'm sure a competent developer could whip one up in a relative hurry.
Is one of your talented developers going to create a Feedburner add-on? I'm looking to build up a list of subscribers through feedburner or is there a way to generate subscribers with Gravity Forms? Please let me know, thanks, Dan.
None of our developers are currently looking at doing this. If you want to hire someone, try our Job Board or jobs.wordpress.net and whatnot.