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Subtotal (taxes) shows price when nothing selected

  1. I have a form with multiple products and options for each.
    I show a total on the screen and it works fine.

    If i add a calculation to add in taxes ( {subtotal}*0.13) it suddenly shows $2.86 when nothing is selected. I see this number is 0.13 times 22, yet nothing is selected(and nothing i have adds up to $22!), or at least shows that anything is selected. Can't find anything in the backend either...

    Any thoughts on this??


    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday June 19, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Update:
    I just added in a -22 to the calculation to make it work for now, as its live.

    Still need to know where the initial 22 came from....

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday June 19, 2013 | Permalink
  3. This *might* be an issue with the subtotal custom function. A way to test that would be to add up all of your fields in the calculation by inserting all of the product field merge tags and adding this up together and then multiplying by your .13.

    So: ( mergetag1 + mergetag2 + mergetag3) * .13

    See if you get the same outcome.

    Also, were any of those product fields anything other than $0.00 at any time? Just curious if there might be some old, bad data laying around behind the scenes.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday June 19, 2013 | Permalink