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Super Stupid question: Where do i put these CSS entries to style my forms? ++

  1. jjredox

    Hi guys, i'm really sorry i'm sure this is stupid but i can't find the answer...
    I've purchased the gravity form but when i use it on my 'soundcheck theme' it doesn't fit properly where it should be:
    The fields are in column for some reason instead of being inline and therefore overlap each other plus get out of the box...
    I would like to style them and i understand i need to change my css BUT... which one?
    Do i need to create a new CSS or is one meant to be in my list in the editor? If yes which one is it?

    Also, i've got an issue with the "Error' message display...
    For example, if i enter new details in, it goes thru and give me a thanks little box. If i refresh that page it appear as an Error message ?!...

    Any help welcome :)

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday January 9, 2012 | Permalink
  2. You should be able to just append your styles to your theme's stylesheet. All themes are setup differently, some have a custom.css, others you can just place them into style.css.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday January 9, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Looks like you should be adding to this file.. just like Rob said. You can append any Gravity Forms specific styles to the end of that stylesheet.

    As far as the fitment of the fields, you're using the advanced fields that are designed to be aligned together horizontally and since you have a very restricted space, you're getting the layout issues you have. You will need to do a little custom CSS work if you want to keep those fields but lay them out differently.

    When you submit the form, you do get the confirmation just fine, if you refresh it, you're effectively trying to re-submit the form with empty values in required fields. That's why you're seeing an error. The form is doing what it's supposed to do.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday January 9, 2012 | Permalink
  4. jjredox

    Hi and thanks fr the super fast reponse.
    You say that i am using the 'advanced fields that are designed to be aligned together horizontally' - i didn't really choose that did i?
    I installed the form and it appeared this way.
    When reading the doc to find a way of changing it to suit my needs, it looks like there was some css that can be 'pre-applyed' to actually put the form in columns? (The Ready Class Names)
    In the example the fields are actually 1 on top of each other and these ready classes put them in columns... is there no other way to actually do the opposite and put them 'inline'?
    I tried the gf_list_inline command but it's not working so i suppose it's not meant to be used there...?
    What are my option there? Reducing the size of my field? ideally i would like the fields to go one above the other to be clearer...

    Thanks for the help :)

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 10, 2012 | Permalink
  5. You're using the name and that are under the advanced panel.. the email with the confirmation option. Both of these are pre-defined layouts where the first name/last name are grouped together in a horizontal format. The same for the email/confirm email fields. Those are grouped and pre-styled.

    You'll need to write some custom CSS to override the default layouts. You can find samples of targeting the "advanced" elements here..

    look for the section titled: Advanced Field (multi-field) Container

    You'll probably want to make the inputs and labels all display:block so they are forced to align vertically rather than horizontally. You may also have to adjust margins, etc on some of the elements to make them fit properly. If all of that is a little much, you might want to consider contracting a developer to help you with the customizations. You can find a listing of developers with Gravity Forms experience at the page linked below.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday January 10, 2012 | Permalink