"Output CSS" is a global setting. It affects all of the forms in your blog.
Is there a way to turn off the CSS output for specific blogs?
"Output CSS" is a global setting. It affects all of the forms in your blog.
Is there a way to turn off the CSS output for specific blogs?
Currently no, it's a global setting so you either bring the CSS yourself in your theme stylesheet or let the plugin output it. Any reason why you want to suppress it sometimes and not others?
Thanks. Yes. In general, we want the CSS on. But for one particular form, we want the form fields displayed differently.
I think I should be able to over-ride the default GF CSS by assigning a class to the form. ie. "Form CSS Class Name"
Thanks again.
Everything is wrapped in one main container with a unique ID ex: gform_wrapper_1
Yes, as you mentioned, you should be able to target everything in that particular form with some specific inheritance rules like the ones below.
Yes, perfect, thanks!
Sorry, forgot to mention this if you hadn't seen it already.
That might help a bit.