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tabindex - changing default

  1. Shines


    Our header has a search field that we'd like to keep at tabindex 1 for accessibility reasons. However, gravity forms seems to default to begin with tabindex 1--thus we get skipping from the first field or two to the search field in the header and back again.

    Try tabbing through:

    Is there a way to reset the default tabindex start number for a particular form, or even for a site?


    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday January 5, 2010 | Permalink
  2. There is no way to rest the tabindex start number at this time.

    One thing I noticed with your theme that you could change so that the tabindex works is to rearrange your theme so that the code for the search form box is higher up in the HTML than where the page content is output.

    Right now the way your theme is arranged the search box is output after the page content that includes a form.

    If you rearrange your code so that the search box is output before the form, it will cause the search form to act as the first tabindex if you keep it set as tabindex=1. This is the easiest change you can make at this point.

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday January 5, 2010 | Permalink