I've applied the following "fix" to my functions.php:
add_filter("gform_tabindex", create_function("", "return false;"));
to the following page: http://www.christhurman.com/dev/chromaluxe/contact-us/ but it doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas?
I've applied the following "fix" to my functions.php:
add_filter("gform_tabindex", create_function("", "return false;"));
to the following page: http://www.christhurman.com/dev/chromaluxe/contact-us/ but it doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas?
Tabbing seems to work fine on that page (in Chrome). What is the problem you're having?
The footer form appears to be in a widget, so you can reset the tabindex there with a widget setting if you have an overlap, no filter required.