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"Taxonomy" CPT, categories, and tags

  1. Hi! I have a taxonomy set up like this:
    USA <<CPT
    =State <<Category
    ==County 01 <<Sub Category
    ===Contest 01 <<Tag
    ===Contest 10 <<Tag
    ===Contest 17 <<Tag
    ==County 01 <<Sub Category
    ===Contest 01 <<Tag
    ===Contest 10 <<Tag
    ===Contest 17 <<Tag

    There could be as many as 150 counties per state. "Sub Categories", and there will be 17 different contest. "Tags"

    I want each entry to be submitted to the tags, How do i achieve this.

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday August 26, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Do you have a link to this form online?

    Are you using the Types plugin or the Custom Post Types plugins for Gravity Forms or are you doing this all manually?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday August 29, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Sorry i did not receive notification this was replied too!
    I was setting them up manually, if there is a plugin that makes it easier i am game for that. I will check out the plugin you suggested.
    basically what i want is to be able to collect entries into each category, and be able to read/work them one category at a time.

    It would be
    Every state in a list
    Then every county in that state.
    There would be 17 categories in each state
    +State 1
    ++County 01
    +++Contest 01
    +++Contest 09
    +++Contest 17
    ++County 02
    +++Contest 01
    +++Contest 09
    +++Contest 17
    +State 2
    ++County 01
    +++Contest 01
    +++Contest 09
    +++Contest 17

    Posted 11 years ago on Monday October 22, 2012 | Permalink