The form title isn't an actual form field, it's one part of the form settings along with the form description, etc. The delete link is clearly labeled as "Delete Form" and the resulting alert requires you to confirm that you do in fact want to delete the whole form and all the associated form data. It should be pretty clear at that point that you're deleting the form and not just a single form field.
After that, the only way that you're going to retrieve your form is if you've got a recent backup of the database tables or a recent export of the form XML file.
I would have to disagree about the "leave this page" alert being more significant than the "delete this form" alert. They both provide information about what's about to happen and require input from the user to either confirm or cancel the action.
Either way, I'm sorry that you lost your form.
Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 16, 2011 |