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Test Gravity form for any issues

  1. John Morgan


    I was wondering if people here would mind testing the Gravity form on our site here:

    I have received some messages from applicants that it is performing slowly and that after they hit submit nothing happens.

    I haven't been able to replicate the error - I've tried different browsers, file sizes, and such and the form works for me every time usually taking between 5-10 seconds to go through.

    However, I was wondering if others here might give the form a try and see if they experience any errors with it or timeout issues and if so, assist with being able to resolve the issues. I don't mind getting a bunch of test applications, as it would be reassuring to know if the form is in fact working fine or if some people are experiencing problems.



    John Morgan

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday May 28, 2013 | Permalink
  2. Richard Vav

    Hi John,

    I had a look at your form and have to agree with your findings for the submission speed, for the length of form and a minimum of two attachments it's well within what I would deem reasonably fast.

    On an unrelated matter it also looks like your theme is adding a background image to the li elements that Gravity Forms uses to contain the fields, if you add the following towards the bottom of your theme style.css file or wherever you are instructed to place custom css the image will be removed.

    .gform_wrapper li, .gform_wrapper form li {
    background-image: none !important;


    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday May 29, 2013 | Permalink
  3. John Morgan

    Hi RIchard,

    Thanks for your reply and thanks for testing the form. Do you think it is possible this background image is affecting the form?

    I will try what you suggest, although to be honest I didn't really understand what it meant - I don't know much about these forms or how they work. If anyone reading the thread knows how to do that easily, I would certainly compensate for their time.



    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday May 29, 2013 | Permalink