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Text area full width display

  1. I've been working on this for a couple days and don't see anything specific in previous forum discussions that addresses it.

    I can't seem to figure out how to get my text area input to display at the full width of my page. I have the "large" setting selected in the advanced tab, but I seem to only get around 350px wide.

    It was displaying at this size before using NicEdit too.

    Can you tell me if there is an easy way to change this?


    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday November 30, 2010 | Permalink
  2. The textarea isn't supposed to be 100% wide when using the left label or right label settings. It's supposed to be 59% wide so it has the same left margin as the rest of the fields.

    Right now the nicedit script is adding some inline styles that are causing an alignment issue. I'm not sure about fixing that, but you can target the actual textarea this way to apply new rules.

    body .gform_wrapper textarea#input_3_6 {width:100%}

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday November 30, 2010 | Permalink