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text fields don't look the same

  1. Hi,

    This is probably posted here somewhere, but I couldn't find it, I need a small tweak, my text fields don't look the same and I want to have the same look for all of them.

    To be more precise, what I noticed is that the name fields (first name, last name) or any simple text fields have a light gray background, but any other fields which require validation (i.e. email, website, phone) have a pure white background. This ends up showing one line with a gray field and one white which isn't optimal.

    Which part of the CSS do I need to edit to remove the background color so they all look the same?

    Thx in advance

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday July 14, 2010 | Permalink
  2. without seeing your form, I couldn't tell you what you need to remove/change to normalize the look of the fields.

    The reason those fields are appearing differently, is because your theme author applied styles to specific input types, rather than just the input tag itself.


    input[type=text] {background:#eee}

    rather than

    input {background:#eee}

    which is fine, as long as you make sure to incorporate the other field types, such as email, url, and tel.

    So, that said, you can search your CSS for "input[type=text]" and you should find what you're looking for. If not, please post the URL of your form and I'll be happy to look at it for you.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday July 14, 2010 | Permalink