I've noticed that the validation error text is wrapped in div tags but nothing else. Is it possible to wrap the text in <p> or <span> tags so I can position the text? I'm trying to add a small warning icon on the left side of the text.
I've noticed that the validation error text is wrapped in div tags but nothing else. Is it possible to wrap the text in <p> or <span> tags so I can position the text? I'm trying to add a small warning icon on the left side of the text.
All validation errors have classes assigned to them that you can hook into via CSS.
One should be .validation_error and the other should be .validation_message.
You don't need any additional markup to target/style the validation message. You can easily do so with inheritance from the containing div. For example..
test screenshot: http://bit.ly/IcyIyH
You can find out more about how to properly target the form elements for styling (with samples) in the documentation here.
Hi David,
Thanks for getting back to me. I understand that validation errors have classes assigned to them, but if you have a look at the HTML below you'll see what I mean. I need to position the text in the div. Without <p> or <span> tags I can only target the div not the text inside it.
<div class='gfield_description validation_message'>This field is required.</div>
I've been experimenting and I've added some HTML to the "validation message" box under the advanced tab of the form fields like this:
<span class="error_icon"></span><p>This field is required.</p>
Now I can position the text and icon but I have to add it to every form field. Is there any other way I can do it?
Kevin's example is exactly what you are looking for as it requires no extra markup to make happen.
Ok I got it working now. Thanks!
Glad to hear it. :)