Thank you, I really should have known those steps, brain wasn't working correctly yesterday.
- THOUGHT I had the latest of everything, just updated from 1.7 to 1.7.2 on gravity forms. Everything else is up to date. Same issue.
- using your confirmations system to redirect
- just did a test form on a clean page and the confirmations page redirect worked
- then added a product and paypal to that test form, same issue. When you complete the paypal transaction and click continue you are sent back to the form page, but it does not redirect. PayPal sends you back to the form URL complete with ?gf_paypal_return=(some long string) so the trigger seems like it's there, just no gravity form redirect (assuming that gravity forms is looking at the url for confirmation and uses that as the trigger to do the confirmation page redirect).
- the PayPal cancel link does work, fwiw
Any other ideas you may have on what to check or try?
Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday May 1, 2013 |