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  1. bobair

    I need a little help determining how to fix this issue...

    I've moved my website to a new server (RackSpace) and I've had some Character Encoding problems with the wordpress database transfer... something I'm not entirely confident I can fix.

    But for the most part I've resolved any weirdness within the blog by changing a Reading Setting within wordpress from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1

    My new problem is with setting up new forms:

    - I can create a new form.
    - I can import a new form.
    - I can save a form when I make minimal changes.

    Error: If I try to past text from an unformatted document into a form it won't save and gives me the typical error message.

    At first it was a problem with the max number of characters being added (a few paragraphs) but I've isolated the error to a few specific characters... which I can only assume is some type of Character Set issue?

    Doesn't Save: " This doesn’t work. "
    Does Save: " This doesn't work. "

    I have no idea what my wordpress database character set really is, but this wordpress site is currently set to this: "ISO-8859-1"

    If I change the wordpress back to UTF-8 then I CAN save... but then the rest of my blog posts have strange character problems.

    My current solution is to fine edit the characters I add to my form descriptions, but I'm wondering if there's something else I should be doing? Or if anyone has a suggestion for cleaning up this process?

    Thanks in advance!
    ~ Robby

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday May 22, 2012 | Permalink