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Too much space between the title, form and submit button

  1. Cristian

    Hi Guys!
    I've just purchased this great plugin, but when I'm using it, I get huge gaps between the title of the form, and the submit button. Basically, there is a blank space before and after the required fields that I use. I thought it was because of my theme, but that's not the case, becase I've tested it on several other themes, includind the Wordpress Default theme.
    The forms do not look the same as when I click to priview them from the admin panel.
    Have a look here:
    I'm using wordpress 2.8.6.

    Posted 15 years ago on Saturday November 28, 2009 | Permalink
  2. There is a < pre > tag that's surrounding your form that needs to be removed. It's the cause of the formatting problems.


    There is more information in this thread

    I also answered your question regarding the form on that thread as well.

    Posted 15 years ago on Saturday November 28, 2009 | Permalink