I've tried all variable, watched PHPurchase videos and spent a day reading these forums to no avail. My form over at: http://agendalasvegas.com/?page_id=1899&preview=true is not updating a total. The base price of the product is zero, as I offer a service. The more options you pick the higher the price. The issue is the Total, added separately, does not update.
As an example, in one of the options under breakfast/brunch it has the price in the Label field(+200) (I saw in a PHPurchase video) and as a variation I included the price in the Price field of Hash House a Go Go (+120). Nothing seems to be making the Total at the bottom a dynamic number, it just stays as zero. Also, regarding the price: the Price under Hash House a Go Go is not showing. I want my guests to see what they are paying for. It seems counter-intuitive to have to type the number twice, once in the label field and again in the Price field, esp. since I can check "Enable Values".
I'm using Cart66 as my shopping cart and that works fine, but I'm completely stuck on this form calculating correctly. If it calculated correctly I'd be one happy camper.